Nebraska REACT Council
Our Purpose
Event Calendar / meeting schedule
REACT - Pictures
Our Purpose
Becoming a Member
Nebraska List Server
State Council Officers
Nebraska REACT Districts
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Nebraska REACT State Councils Purpose

We all have important values and ideas, things we care about and want to share. Sometimes we feel our ideas can even change the world, and we want to let other people know how they can join in and make all our lives better.

There are currently 6 REACT teams in Nebraska, and all the teams and the State Council are associated with REACT International. REACT stands for Radio Emergency Associated Communications Teams; it is a volunteer organization with its main goal to help people and communities by helping to provide communication and support whenever needed. Our members monitor Citizens Band radio channel 9; General Mobile Radio Service radios are also used by the teams for communication.

The Nebraska REACT Council's purpose is to help all teams in the state. The council provides guidance and support on all levels. The council has 4 Executive Board meetings a year. Any REACT member is welcome to attend and offer input, but only the Board may vote. The council also has two Council meetings a year, held in the spring and fall at conferences. At the council meetings only the teams delegate may vote on things, but input from all members is encouraged. The Executive Board or Council Officers is made up of eleven REACTers. There is a president, a 1st vice president, a 2nd vice president, sergeant of arms, secretary, treasurer, the four district coordinators and the past president.

Election of officers is held every two years at the fall conference. Any member of REACT my run for office.

Our Mission

Our mission is to further promote the interests of our organization and our members to the community. We strive to make a difference by educating the public and expanding our reach.

REACT teams help out local law enforcement, Emergency Management, Red Cross and other local agencies. They provide communication, do traffic control, damage assement, storm watches and other helpful tasks; depending on what is called upon them to do and what each indiviual is trained for.

For current list of officers, click the link below.

State Council Officers