Spring Conference – 2008


President Kevin Rahe called the Spring Conference to order at 9:30 a.m. on April 19, 2008 in Lincoln at USA Steak Buffet.


Members present were:

            Kevin Rahe, Blue River REACT, President

                Jeremy Smith, Grand Island REACT, 1st Vice President, Delegate

                John Nixon, Dodge County REACT, 2nd Vice President, Delegate

Jenny Jacobson, Pawnee REACT, Secretary

                Carrie Kasper, Pawnee REACT, Treasurer, Delegate

                Julie Brendle, Blue River REACT, Sgt at Arms & District 2 Coordinator, Delegate

                Don Forke, Blue Rive REACT, Council Historian,

                Rachael Hilderbrand and Blaz, Blue River REACT

                Judy Rowley, Heartland REACT, Delegate

                                Guest – Jennifer Lemburg

                                Guest – Bradley McCone


Minutes were handed out and read.  No corrections

            Motion to accept the minutes John Nixon, Dodge REACT

            2nd by Jeremy Smith, Grand Island REACT                               All in favor

Treasurer Report:                                            

            Beginning Balance - Fall Conference                                                                                                $139.67

                                Check to Valentino’s for Fall Conference                                                                $112.17

                                Service Charge                                                                                         $0.10

                                                Deposit from Fall Conference                                                                  $117.00

                                                Deposit transfer from Savings                                                                  $50.00

                                Check to Carrie Kasper for Oct mailing and Letters for Lighted Sign       $146.45

                                                ($106.86 for letters and 39.59 mailing)

Check to American Red Cross – memorial for Julie’s mom                      $25.00

Deposit transfer from HHD                                                                     $150.00

Check to Kevin Rahe for Cell Phone purchase                                         $164.04

                                Service Charge                                                                                         $0.30

                                Check to Pizza Hut-Fremont Exertive Board meeting                                              $49.09

                                Check to NEVOAD – council membership dues                                        $25.00

                                                Void check #78- written to Stewart for supplies                                       $12.00

                                                Deposit ($60 from meeting & $34.22 camp reservation Julie)                 $94.22

                                Service Charge                                                                                         $0.10

                                                Deposit – transfer from Savings                                                                               $100.00

                                Check to National Pen company – notepads                                                            $129.25

                                Service Charge                                                                                         $0.10

Ending Balance of Checking account                                                                                                                               $11.29


Savings Account Beginning Balance                                                                                               $125.56

                                Transfer to Checking                                                                                               $50.00

Deposit/ transfer from HHD                                                                    $532.25

                                Service Charge                                                                                         $5.00

                                                Interest                                                                                                    $1.17

                                Transfer to Checking                                                                                               $100.00

Ending Balance                                                                                                                                                                    $503.98

                Husker Harvest Days Account                                                                                                         $682.25                                                 Transfer to Checking                                                                                               $150.00

                                Transfer to Savings                                                                                  $532.25

Ending Balance                                                                                                                                                                    $0.00


Motion to accept the Treasurer report - Jeremy Smith, Grand Island REACT

            2nd by Judy Rowley, Heartland REACT                                    All in favor

                        Spring Conference Raffle – raised $185.00

*Donation from teams – items for raffle and Donation of Weather Radio ($30) from KK Enterprises

Bills - Carrie Kasper submitted a bill for August Camping reservations.  (This is paid automatically per change in SOP)

                Kevin Rahe bill for purchase of GPS for raffle drawing (needs to turn in exact amount)




Council received team topic paperwork.

Junk Mail

Got current email address of Council Officers to update webpage.

The Nebraska State Council web page is

The State Council e-mail address is

Nebraska REACT List run by Kevin Rahe, to subscribe send an E-mail to and you will be added to the list.



Blue River – Weather Symposium, set up booth at Saline County Spotters Training.  Homestead Days is coming up in June and will be doing a Bingo event, security for the street dance and the Fireworks, also will be doing traffic control for parade and run.  Team received a $500.00 donation from Wal-Mart.


Dodge County – haunted trail, Halloween patrol, painted curbs for flags, helped with Ave of Flags, turkey trot, hospital Christmas party and parade, awards dinner, polka dance, weather symposium, bull rides, YMCA’s fools run and trap shoot for kids.  Team is purchasing 12 big REACT emblems and 20 magnetic signs


Grand Island –Sky Warn meeting with Hams, REACT and Emergency management, and the team is still doing the craft show. 


Heartland- Election of new officers, rework ByLaws, introduction to Emergency notification system (Code Spear) that Omaha area will be using.  Weather training for current members and 8 new members, 38 members attended Nation Weather Service training.  Members helped at Weather Symposium, and 2 Safety events are going on today in Omaha.


Hamilton – team not doing well, may fold.


Pawnee- Weather Symposium and Council business



District One- Brian not here, Dodge has 2 new members.

District Two- Blue River may have a new member and April has moved back and will be rejoining the team.

District Three- nothing to report.

District Four- no teams or coordinator



Capabilities list still needed from teams.  Google Spreadsheet is real time on the internet and Kevin is looking into putting the capabilities list on this site.  April’s husband Chuck will work on creating a database of capabilities for Council.

Banner-no change, letters still need to be done.

Website –is done, we now have a dot. Com address for the council website.

Lighted Sign – need axial to make a trailer, new letters have been purchased.

Mobil Repeaters – need to order duplexer


Guidelines for Council Events –procedures is typed up for who is in charge, what the chain of command will be; will use ICS structure, handed out at this meeting for council review.

            Motion to accept the Guidelines – John Nixon, Dodge County REACT

            2nd by Julie Brendle, Blue River REACT

Promotional Items – new pens (black and orange with green highlighter, notebook with pens.


Husker Harvest Days – not going to have booth this year.

VOAD –Kevin will find out if there will be a booth at the State Fair, and what help will be needed.

Look for email on Red Cross getting radio grant.



Heartland gave report on New Communication System that is being used in the Omaha area.  It is called Code Spear- a mass emergency communication system.


Saline County Emergency Manager, BJ Fictum, gave presentation on Nebraska Communications Strategy.  VHF statewide digital trunk system will be used statewide.


Good Samaritan Law died in committee.

Fall Conference will be in Grand Island; Mike with Grand Island REACT is looking into getting a room at St Frances medical center for the meeting.  Dates are October 11, with October 18 as alternate.


Raffle – do another raffle next year, start selling at Weather Symposium and have the drawing at August campout.  Prizes to be done by February meeting and Kevin can print raffle tickets and have ready to begin selling in March at symposium.

            Motion by Julie Brendle, Blue River REACT to have a raffle as discussed.

            2nd by Carrie Kasper, Pawnee REACT


Jeremy talked about Grand Island Amateur Radio (HAMS) association asking if REACT would be interested in helping with security at the State Fair, assisting the NE State Patrol.  Will talk more later.


Council will look at issuing ID’s for members with a colored background and also at getting Vest with the REACT logo, so all members can look more the same when at events and helping each other.



Campouts/ Executive Board meetings will be in Fremont on June 21 and at Branched Oak on August 23, 2008.

Teams need to get council frequency in their radios, so it is easier to communicate when helping at council events.

Next Executive Board meeting will be on June 21, 2008 at Fremont State lakes.


The meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.



REACTively submitted,


Jenny Jacobson