President Kevin Rahe called the Executive Board meeting to
order at
Members present were:
Kevin Rahe, Blue River REACT, President
Jeremy Smith,
John Nixon, Dodge
Jacobson, Pawnee REACT, Secretary
Carrie Kasper, Pawnee REACT, Treasurer
Stewart Wach,
Lofgren, Dodge
Brendle, Blue River REACT, District 2 Coordinator
Don Forke, Blue River REACT, Council Historian
Hilderbrand and Blaz, Blue River REACT
D. Ray Brown, Blue River REACT
Judy Rowley, Heartland REACT
David Proctor, Civil Air Patrol
Minutes were handed out and read; correction of (hot) to (how)
Motion to accept the minutes Julie Brendle, Dist 2
2nd by John Nixon, 2nd VP All
in favor
Treasurer Report:
Beginning Balance as of December 2007 $22.95
Deposit transfer from HHD $150.00
Check to Kevin Rahe for Cell Phone purchase $164.04
Service Charge $0.30
Ending Balance of Checking
account $8.61
Account Beginning Balance $75.56
Deposit/ transfer from HHD $532.25
Service Charge $5.00
Interest $1.17
Ending Balance $603.98
Husker Harvest Days Account $682.25
to Checking $150.00
Transfer to Savings $532.25
Ending Balance $0.00
*1 CD - $1000 plus interest
$500.00 CD was not purchased, money transferred to Savings; will be needed for
upcoming Raffle prize.
Motion to accept the report and pay the bill for the phone – Jenny Jacobson, Secretary
2nd by Brian Lofgren, Dist 1 Coordinator All in favor
Letter from UNL, survey on
Husker Harvest Days event, Carrie Kasper will fill out and return.
Catalogs from
Letter from the IRS, REACT
needs to fill out form 990; it is for the 503c status – not available yet on
the Internet, Carrie will file when available.
Email from Red Cross – they
received a grant for them to receive radios
Email – Legislature bill on
Good Samaritan Law
Kevin showed the council a
letter he sent to WE TV channel, asking for a copy of a program they aired;
want to use parts of it for a public service announcement.
The Nebraska State Council web
page is
The State Council e-mail
address is
Nebraska REACT List run by
Kevin Rahe, to subscribe send an E-mail to
and you will be added to the list.
Heartland – quite winter, meet with new Douglas County Emergency
Management Director, Paul Johnson; Information System – Code Spear will
automatic notify cell, email, home phone and pagers in the event of an
emergency. Training class for weather.
Pawnee – working on council items.
District One- Civil air patrol will work with REACT and we can
help them. Civil Air Patrol is made up
of Districts, Wings and Squadrons.
Contact wing or local squadron if joint help is needed. Brian has the information on how to contact
Look for copy of MOU; State
of NE Civil Air Patrol this region.
District Two- Blue River will need to use golf cart and letter
sign for Homestead Days, getting ready for Spring weather and will be doing
bingo and security for street dance during Homestead days.
District Four- no teams or coordinator
Capabilities list still
needed from teams. Google Spreadsheet is
real time on the internet and Kevin is looking into putting the capabilities
list on this site. VOAD would like to
have a broad Capabilities list for REACT.
Lighted Sign – New letters
have arrived and look very nice. Also
need to make or buy a trailer for the sign to be transported with.
Mobil Repeater has arrived; Council
has approved the purchase of UHF adapters (2) and a duplexer. Kevin will be ordering the duplexer.
Motion by Jenny Jacobson, Secretary to purchase a Tom Tom Navigational system for $200.
2nd by Carrie Kasper, Treasurer
Motion by Jenny Jacobson, Secretary to purchase 2 packages (400 each) for $21.00
2nd by Brain Lofgren, Dist 1 Coordinator
Lighted traffic cones – price was wrong, Tractor Supply carries cones but they do not light up.
Guidelines for Council Events – type up for Spring Conference
Spring Conference will be April 19 at USA Steak Buffet, in
Promotional Items – notepads/hard cover with pen; Carrie brought a sample to show.
Motion to get notepads with logo for under $50.00 – Jenny Jacobson, Secretary
2nd by Carrie Kasper, Treasurer All in favor
VOAD will have a table at State Fair; council dues for VOAD membership were paid.
Fall Conference will be
August campout will be August 23 at Branched Oak,
Next meeting will be at the Spring Conference in
The meeting adjourned at
REACTively submitted,
Jenny Jacobson, Secretary