President Kevin Rahe called the Executive Board meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. on December 6, 2008.

                This meeting was held using SKYPE, a free internet communication program.


Members present on SKYPE were:

            Kevin Rahe, Blue River REACT, President

                Jeremy Smith, Grand Island REACT, 1st Vice President & District 3 Coordinator

                Jenny Jacobson, Pawnee REACT, Secretary

                Carrie Kasper, Pawnee REACT, Treasurer

                Stewart Wach, Hamilton County REACT, Sgt at Arms


Minutes were e-mailed to officers present on SKYPE, and read.

            Motion to accept the minutes Carrie Kasper, Treasurer

                2nd by Jeremy Smith, 1st Vice President & Dist 3 Coordinator                                                       All in favor


Treasurer Report:

            Beginning Balance as of August 2008                                                                                             $7.10

                                                Deposit – camp reservation Julie (Aug 08)                                               $37.74

                                                Deposit – camp reservation Witherwax (Aug 08)                                     $37.75

                                                Deposit from Dodge County for NEBRASKA patches                              $48.00

                                Check to Kevin Rahe- he put Fall Conf meals on his credit card               $102.00  

                                                Deposit – Fall Conference registrations                                                    $125.00

Deposit – camping reservation Kevin (Aug 08)                                        $37.74

                                Check to Carrie Kasper for trailer plates ($11) & Aug 2009 reservation  $161.96

                                Service Change                                                                                         $0.10

Ending Balance of Checking account                                                                                                                               $29.27  

Savings Account Beginning Balance and CD balance – know information at this meeting.                                                                                                                                 

Motion to accept the report - Jenny Jacobson, Secretary 

                        2nd by Jeremy Smith, 1st Vice President & Dist 3 Coordinator   All in favor



National Pen Catalog – sent letter in regards to our recent order, their machine for emblems is broke and our order will be delayed.

Nebraska State Council of REACT Teams cell phone # (308) 379-7570

The Nebraska State Council web page is

The State Council e-mail address is

Nebraska REACT List run by Kevin Rahe, to subscribe send an E-mail to and you will be added to the list.


DISTRICT REPORTS / team reports - Will not do Team or District reports when having meetings electronically



Council website – domain name is now .com, will check on if we can also have .org


Raffle – do another raffle like the one the council did this year, but have the drawing be at the August campout in 2009 at Branched Oak and reserve the shelter.  Teams donate prizes but make them so it would not be expensive or hard to mail to winners.  1st prize Gas card $150.00



Trac Phone – 1 year time and 400 minutes for $99.88

            Motion to purchase the time and minutes for the phone – Jenny Jacobson, Secretary

            2nd by Carrie Kasper, Treasurer


Vest for members – can all look the same when helping other teams and when having a council event.    Still waiting for price quote.


Council Golf cart needs new batteries – still need price quotes.


Weather Symposium – will have tables and look at doing a FRS training session on these radios.

            Kevin has FRS order forms and order radios and made up a brochure. 


Look into getting the council a site; it is like “my space”, what you put on the site can be sent to cell phones in text messages.  Will present this proposal to the membership at the next Conference.


Add Kevin’s SKYPE # to the website.



MOU with Mars – Kevin got a copy of what is used by the Texas REACT council, Jenny will use this as a guide to draft our councils mou.


Next meeting will be February 7 in Seward at Valentino’s, will eat at 11 a.m. and meeting will start at noon and should be over at about 4 p.m.


Weather Symposium will be in Lincoln on April 4, 2009


Spring Conference will be on April 25, 2009 in Lincoln.  Will need to find a location to have meeting.


Truck Driving Championships will be on June 11-14, 2009 in Grand Island and members will be needed to help at this council event.


Blue River Homestead Days events will be on June 18-21, 2009; extra help will be needed by all who can attend.


Campouts/ Executive Board meetings will be in Fremont on June 27 and at Branched Oak on August 15, 2009.


The meeting adjourned, I did not record the time.  Had a few small problems to work out with SKYPE; but for the most part the meeting went very well.


REACTively submitted,  Jenny Jacobson, Secretary