President Kevin Rahe called the Executive Board meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. on August 23, 2008 at Branched Oak State Park.


Members present were:

            Kevin Rahe, Blue River REACT, President

                John Nixon, Dodge County REACT, 2nd Vice President

Jenny Jacobson, Pawnee REACT, Secretary

                Carrie Kasper, Pawnee REACT, Treasurer

Brian Lofgren, Dodge County REACT, District 1 Coordinator

Julie Brendle, Blue River REACT, District 2 Coordinator

                Ron Witherwax, Grand Island REACT, alternate Dist 3 Cord.

Rachel Hilderbrand and Blaz, Blue River REACT     

                D. Ray Brown, Blue River REACT

                Phil Ward, Pawnee REACT


Minutes were handed out and read; corrections needed were that D. Ray Brown was at the meeting, spelling of Rachel’s name and the address to the council’s website.  

            Motion to accept the minutes Carrie Kasper, Treasurer

                2nd by Julie Brendle, Dist 2 Coordinator                                                           All in favor


Treasurer Report:

            Beginning Balance as of June 2008                                                                                                   $54.16

                                                Deposit – camp reservation Witherwax ($0.78 donation)(June)                               $35.00

                                                Deposit – camp reservation Jenny (June)                                                 $34.22

Deposit transfer from Savings                                                                  $600.00

                                Check to Jenny Jacobson for Web Site fee for council site                       $12.95    

Check to Carrie for TDC expenses                                                           $130.96

                                Check to Kevin raffle prize purchase                                                       $181.89

                                Check to Kevin for Duplexer for council repeater                                    $389.50

                                                Deposit – camp reservation Kasper (Aug)                                                                $37.74

Deposit transfer from Savings                                                                  $75.00

                                Check to Jenny Jacobson for paying June 09 camping reservation                           $113.22

                                Service Change                                                                                         $0.30

                                Service Change                                                                                         $0.20

Ending Balance of Checking account                                                                                                                               $7.10     


Savings Account Beginning Balance                                                                                               $1005.59


                                Transfer to Checking                                                                                               $600.00

                                Transfer to Checking                                                                                               $75.00

                                                Interest                                                                                                    $0.96

Ending Balance                                                                                                                                                                    $331.55


                                                                *CD - $2124.36

Motion to accept the report - Julie Brendle, Dist 2 Coordinator

                        2nd by   Jenny Jacobson, Secretary                    All in favor



National Pen Catalog – if teams are interested in ordering anything from this catalog, contact Carrie Kasper to obtain contact info so the company can retrieve the REACT file with the REACT emblem.  Teams can also submit ideas for new REACT emblems.


Newsletter from NE Humanities council


The Nebraska State Council web page is

The State Council e-mail address is

Nebraska REACT List run by Kevin Rahe, to subscribe send an E-mail to and you will be added to the list.

DISTRICT REPORTS / team reports

District One- Dodge County has been busy with events, Ave of Flags and Independence Day parade, John C Fremont days, and Thomas the train.  Team may have some new members; team wants all new members to have drivers’ licenses; 4 new members and lost 3 members.  The teams’ new Command trailer is done.

Heartland helped Dodge with Fremont days and Thomas the train. 

Pawnee has been attending council meetings.


District Two- Blue River not much going on, waiting for background checks on new members.


District Three- 2 teams in District, Grand Island did parking at Mid NE Raceway and possible 3 new members, not sure what Hamilton is doing.


District Four- no teams or coordinator



Capabilities list still needed from teams.  Google Spreadsheet is real time on the internet and Kevin is looking into putting the capabilities list on this site.  VOAD would like to have a broad Capabilities list for REACT.


Lighted Sign –an axial to make the trailer has been donated, Kevin can now mount sign on trailer.  Kevin has one side of frame done, received donation of expanded metal flooring, trailer will be 5 X 10.  Kevin purchased lighting and hitch, will turn in bill at next meeting.

                Jenny Jacobson, Secretary made a motion to buy a wheel stand for trailer.

                2nd by Carrie Kasper, Treasurer                                                          All in favor


Mobil Repeater has arrived; Council has approved the purchase of UHF adapters (2) and a duplexer.  Kevin has ordered and received the duplexer just need to buy the connectors.  Still need to get the connectors.


Fall Conference will be on October 18; not sure if Grand Island has found anyplace, Rachael checked in Central City and the restaurant is not open in the morning, Jenny will check with Sapp Brothers in Columbus.


Council website – domain name is now .com, will check on if we can also have .org


Raffle – do another raffle like the one the council did this year, but have the drawing be at the August campout in 2009 at Branched Oak and reserve the shelter.  Teams donate prizes but make them so it would not be expensive or hard to mail to winners.  1st prize Gas card $150.00


Vest for members – can all look the same when helping other teams and when having a council event.    Still waiting for price quote.


Council Golf cart needs new batteries – still need price quotes.



Jeremy had idea on fundraiser?????????????????


Phil Ward talked about Army Mars working with the National Guard.



Next meeting will be October 18 at the Fall conference, teams are still checking on a meeting place and members will be notified by Carrie.


Winter meeting will be December 6, maybe in Columbus.


The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.                             

REACTively submitted,  Jenny Jacobson, Secretary